Tag Archives: side business

A new idea to fire the braincells

Late again, this is becoming a habit. But I have a good excuse… er, reason.

I am working on the cookbook, well, another cookbook.  A new cookbook idea, plan, goal….  It occurred to me that one reason I’m having a problem putting my cookbook together is lack of focus.

In the book, not me.  🙂

So, instead of one cookbook for $15.99, I’ll do several for $2.99 or $3.99 each.  I’m about 1/2 done the Asian recipes one already! It will have my spice mix recipes: red curry paste, massaman curry paste, garlic and herb with an Asian slant, etc. Plus  recipes for Korean, Szechwan and Thai dishes, and a list of hard to find ingredients and the websites you can order from.  All together there should be 25 or so meal recipes, plus the spice mix recipes.

I’m looking at other cookbooks, as well: India, Africa, maybe Celtic or Eastern European… What about Pagan feasts with recipes for 10+ people?

I will be selling my pre-made spice mixes  and my book at a Valentine’s craft fair on Feb 6th. I wish there was time to have the cookbooks ready for then.  but next summer’s festival circuit should have 2 to 3 cookbooks in print to sell.

I’ll put up the ebook links as soon as they can be pre-ordered.  Then I’ll be doing mail order off of my website for the paper editions. I prefer paper cookbooks, myself, I’m not as worried about spilling stuff on them as I am my Kindle!